If you would like to work at medbo and have completed your nursing training abroad, we will help you to obtain recognition.
This is how the process works:
Submit an application for recognition of your training to the Bavarian State Office for Nursing (LfP). They will check whether your training can be recognised in Germany.
If there are differences between your training and the German requirements, you can take a knowledge test at medbo to compensate for the differences.
Important: The knowledge test is the only adaptation measure that we offer internally. We do not offer a special adaptation course.
You need B1 level German to work at medbo. To have your training recognised, you will later have to prove that you have B2 level German.
medbo will support you in learning German. You will also receive help in preparing for the B2 exam. You can take the exam in Germany.
After successful completion of the knowledge test and recognition, you can work as a recognised nursing specialist at medbo.
Further information can be found on the website of the Bavarian State Office for Nursing: lfp.bayern.de.
Individual duty rosters eight weeks in advance
Payment according to TVöD + shift allowances; hospital, nursing and intensive care allowance, Christmas bonus, + company pension without personal contribution
Organised language courses,
individual exam preparation B2
Up to 40 days holiday
Individual care & support services
Affordable living in the neighbourhood
The Competence Centre for Language and Integration (KoSI) provides information and support if you are new to Germany and to medbo.
Support and counselling services: